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                                                                      We can help you be accountable in your supply chain


We offer a shipment by shipment carbon calculation based on GHG protocol along with certified offsetting options  - Certified Emission Reductions certificates (CER) are provided and all supported projects are fully trackable.



We believe that we all have a responsibility to help save our planet & Future - Especially in the freight, transport and logistics sector .


All businesses need to achieve a Net Zero goal before 2050 if the global climate target, e.g. to stay within 1.5 degrees of global warming since pre-industrial times, is to be achieved.


We want to help you with some key targets and strategies to improve the business's sustainability in the future especially regarding your supply chain. 


When smaller businesses start to measure and reduce their emissions, the effects cascade through the value chain. We hope that our net zero and other sustainability goals and strategies will motivate other businesses within our sector, our clients, our suppliers, and our employees.


Understanding UK compliance


In the UK, understanding and complying with climate regulations is crucial for businesses. Governments and investors have long emphasized the significance of climate issues, and the landscape of climate disclosure regulations is evolving rapidly. Keeping up with these changes can be challenging for business leaders.


To help navigate this terrain, we've compiled a concise overview of key climate regulations applicable to businesses operating in the UK.


Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Standards serve as the foundation for many UK regulations. These standards aim to standardize disclosures for companies to provide stakeholders with consistent information. Throughout this summary, we will refer to TCFD disclosures.


Before delving into specific disclosure regulations, it's essential to grasp the three emission scopes:


Scope 1:       Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources.

Scope 2:       Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling.

Scope 3:      Other indirect emissions in a company's supply chain.


The UK is consolidating its sustainability requirements under the Sustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDRs). Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), a significant regulation, is merging into the SDR regime. SECR, which began on April 1, 2019, mandates reporting of energy consumption and emissions for eligible companies. The reporting format depends on factors such as company size and listing status.


SDRs, anticipated to roll out between 2023 and 2024, will expand sustainability reporting beyond TCFD recommendations. While specific requirements are pending, SDRs aim to address environmental impacts and risks beyond climate change.


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) requires eligible companies to conduct energy audits every four years. Amendments to ESOS are underway post-Brexit, expanding coverage and introducing submission deadlines.


Additionally, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) provide guidance on TCFD compliance for various entities.


In conclusion, compliance with climate regulations necessitates accurate carbon footprint measurement and understanding emissions. Partnering with a trusted climate advisor can facilitate effective compliance and meaningful climate action."



We want you to join us on a journey to a sustainable future in Freight and logistics







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